Personal Bioenergetical Management Introduction.
We have to protect our bodies daily against the negative influence of our surroundings.
The electronic smog, very high earth resonance (Schumann Resonance) , daily stress, pressure of live style , negative geopathogenical area and bad vibrations fields in our cities put our personal bioenergetical value down. Our bodies are blockaded and not able carry this energy dissonance any more. We go sick. We can visit special strong energy places, go to the nature on short or longer holyday, make sport in the nature area and so on.
We can also use the oldest ancient “technologies” so to say : “go back to the roots”. I mean use the base ability of nature materials to generate huge bioenergetical potential to protect the live on the earth. The Nature orgonite materials give us automatically this live energy sources.
Nature clay, crystals, water and every potential substance possible to transform the vibration energy level are for us thousands years ago since the birth of the earth here for to use them. The problem of our “technical civilisation” is the information´s about it are saved by the “Elites”. Common people forgot to look under the feet’s an over their heads. There is still everything we need to be free and lucky on the earth. We need only to remind how to use it for us and for the next generation.
One of the most important resources of the energy support is our "live food". The bioenergetical level of it is most important problem of a day. Industrial produces food has not enough of them and the official “zero - 7 000 Bo” neutral level of live energy was constant 90 years ago! Since this time are only some unofficially information to find. It is the time to write the new capital of these “alternative” phenomena!
Many experiences and explorance with “nature orgonite” materials takes me to the final conclusion.
Our future is question of High Vibration Bio - Energy Cellular Food and Products
H V B E C - Food
Provides maximum intake live energy to our bodies truh minimizing caloric values of the necessary food intake.
brings directly pure energy flow necessary
for self healing process.
Individually up to 1/3 of the daily food portion
The optimally volume of live or bio-energy is in the influence on the live area and current "zero" level is between 60 – 80 000 Bo in the middle Europe city.
The most important information to these phenomena is the unbeleaveble function of it. This material produces the optimal level of live energy with out the other influence automatically!
Thru meditation or special energy transformation ability of designer or creator can individual object gives also high vibration value of it, till unlimited level Bo vibration on the scale.
This is the fact! Everybody, able to measure bioenergetical vibration will get the same answer!
So let us look on the base information about our :
Supermarket products versus nature - wild grow “production“of it
Please don’t be shocked, near everything can be corrected thru the optimal storage in the nature orgonite box or activate on the higher bio energy level. I am sorry, but there are also enough “poison” products, there is no help more there! I think it is not necessary to write the list of it now here.